Monday, July 13

Weather & Lace

In April I went to London with Colby and his cousin Brad. We didn't see Big Ben or have tea or harass any stationary guards but chose instead to spend the days sleeping in the city's massive public parks. We never bought a map, probably on my bad advice and irrational thriftiness, so wandering lost became our normal form of transportation.

Looking for Abney Park, which features an old, overgrown cemetery, we went to the wrong part of town and then a localized public park. The park was lined on one side with Hasidic establishments, so we were able to eat bagels - a foodstuff that receives 0 recognition in Paris - before napping in the grass. The weather was windy and I only wore a t-shirt or tank top so we stopped at a thrift store (which obviously sold the belongings of dead Hasids). The shirt I picked was 7€ but I bought it on sale for 3€50.

The shirt is thick cotton with something elastic blended in, and long sleeves, all of which is printed with the animated image of lace. Parts of the pattern are studded with a single teal sequin. Lace was really hot in the streets earlier this year, so at 3€50 the shirt was a v practical steal.

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